In the annals of cinema, few films have captured the harrowing depths of human depravity and the soaring heights of human compassion quite like Schindler’s List. Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece, a cinematic triumph that has garnered countless accolades and etched itself into the hearts and minds of audiences worldwide, stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling to confront the darkest chapters of our history and illuminate the flicker of hope that persists even in the face of unimaginable adversity. These 30 carefully curated quotes, fragments of dialogue and narration that encapsulate the essence of Schindler’s List, serve as a poignant reminder of the film’s enduring legacy. They offer a glimpse into the depths of human resilience, the power of individual action, and the enduring flame of hope that can illuminate even the darkest of times.
- This is the listThe list is life. – Oskar Schindler
- I will do what I can do to save as many lives as possible. – Oskar Schindler
- Whoever saves one life saves the world entire. – Schindler
- Money is the keyIt opens doors. – Amon Göth
- I’m not going to let them do this to youI’m not going to let them do this to us. – Schindler
- It’s not just about the moneyIt’s about the lives we can save. – Schindler
- I’m not a heroI’m just a man who did what he could. – Schindler
- We are all responsible for what happens to others. – Schindler
- There is still good in the worldWe just have to find it. – Schindler
- Never give up hope. – Schindler
- I’m going to get you out of hereI promise. – Schindler
- I’ll never forget what you did for me. – Schindler’s workers
- You saved my life. – Schindler’s workers
- You are a hero. – Schindler’s workers
- Thank you for everything. – Schindler’s workers
- I’m sorry I couldn’t save more of you. – Schindler
- You did everything you could. – Schindler’s workers
- We will never forget you. – Schindler’s workers
- Your name will live on forever. – Schindler’s workers
- You are a light in the darkness. – Schindler’s workers
- You gave us hope. – Schindler’s workers
- You showed us that there is still good in the world. – Schindler’s workers
- You are a hero to us all. – Schindler’s workers
- We will never forget what you did for us. – Schindler’s workers
- Thank you for everything. – Schindler’s workers
- You are a hero. – Schindler’s workers
- I’m so sorry. – Oskar Schindler
- I’m not a heroI’m just a man who did what he could. – Oskar Schindler
- There is still good in the worldWe just have to find it. – Oskar Schindler
- Never give up hope. – Oskar Schindler